Phenotyping ----------- .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: :backlinks: top Specific Treatments ******************* A Specific treatment is an action applying to an environment and characterizing a specific condition in a field trial. These treatments can be managed in the menu *Admin > Phenotyping > Specific treatment*. It is defined by the fields described in the table below. Fields in bold are required while italic ones are optional when submitting the :ref:`form
`. Specific treatment can be edited from the :ref:`table` below the form. +---------------+-------------------------------------+ | Field name | Description | | | | +===============+=====================================+ | | The name of this specific treatment | | **Name** | | +---------------+-------------------------------------+ | | Description of the treatment. | | *Description* | (Nitrogen, water stress etc.) | +---------------+-------------------------------------+ Environments ************ An Environment is an object characterizing a field trial in a specific location a given year. Environments can be managed in the menu *Admin > Phenotyping > Environment*. It is defined by the fields described in the table below. Fields in bold are required while italic ones are optional when submitting the :ref:`form`. Environments can be edited from the :ref:`table
` below the form. +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Field name | Description | | | | +======================+===========================================+ | | The name of this environment | | **Name** | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | | The year of the trial | | **Date** | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | | The site for the experimentation | | **Location** | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | | Description of the environment. | | *Description* | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | | A specific treatment applied to the trial | | *Specific treatment* | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ Traits ****** A Trait is a quantifiable phenotypic characteristic. Traits can be managed in the menu *Admin > Phenotyping > Trait*. It is defined by the fields described in the table below. Fields in bold are required while italic ones are optional when submitting the :ref:`form`. Traits can be edited from the :ref:`table
` below the form. +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Field name | Description | | | | +==================+=============================================+ | | The name of this trait | | **Name** | | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | | Short name used for this trait | | *Abbreviation* | | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | | Description of this trait | | *Comments* | | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | | A list of ontology terms | | *Ontology_terms* | (a term must unique in thaliadb ontologies) | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | | Projects in which the trait is shared | | *Projects* | | +------------------+---------------------------------------------+ Ontologies ********** Thaliadb makes possible to describe ontologies commonly used in plant science. Ontologies can be managed in *Admin > Phenotyping > Ontology*. It is defined by the fields described in the table below. Fields in bold are required while italic ones are optional when submitting the :ref:`form`. Ontologies can be edited from the :ref:`table
` below the form. +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field name | Description | | | | +=================+=================================================================================================+ | | The unique id for this ontology | | **Ontology_id** | (for instance the Maize crop ontology is CO_322) | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | A name for this ontology | | **Name** | | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Description of this ontology | | *Description* | | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | A link that points to this ontology | | *URL* | | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | The ontology file in `Trait Dictionary format `_ | | *File* | | +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phenotyping methods ******************* A Phenotypic method is the statistical method used to compute phenotypic values stored in thaliadb. These type of methods can be managed in the menu *Admin > Phenotyping > Statistical method*. It is defined by the fields described in the table below. Fields in bold are required while italic ones are optional when submitting the :ref:`form`. Methods can be edited from the :ref:`table
` below the form. +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field name | Description | | | | +===============+==============================================================================+ | | The name of this phenotypic method | | **Name** | | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Description of the method | | *Description* | | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | A file describing or giving information on how the method have been computed | | *Method file* | | +---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Insert phenotyping data *********************** Phenotyping data can uploaded in Thaliadb with files. The form to submit data files can be found in the menu *Admin > Phenotyping > insert data*. The file to submit must be a text CSV format with :ref:`seedlot` in line and :ref:`traits` in column. .. figure:: /_img/admin/Upload-Pheno-data.png :align: center *Form to upload Phenotypic data*